Of (Transformer)Tuesdays and (Threedom)Thursdays
Starting this Thursday October 22nd the Pilgrim will be premiering the hopefully-soon-to-be-acclaimed debut of Transformer Tuesday and Threedom Thursdays.
Excellent question. For starters, the Sunday night blues, which can be best described as emotional roller coastering between forlorn sadness and petulant assholianness due to the catastrophic finale of the weekend, has gotten worse.
Anxiety begins Friday afternoon.
Fears enter the spinning wheel of to do trauma about when the not-yet-wrapped-up nugget of Pilgrim goodness will get completed for Monday. After soccer? Before the dinner party? During the football game? Instead of sleeping?
Genius cannot be rushed. Genius, you ask?
Surely, the Pilgrim is a few notches short of genius.
Yes, true. BUT, that is the goal. To say something inspiring, unusual and at least one layer deeper than we normally go.
Like many working parents, I usually run near close to empty but the weekend is like existing on intellectual fumes. So, it is NOT the most promising time to eek out Micro-illumination Mondays.
PLUS, by Sunday the procrastinatory madness morphs its way into brownie-gorging, cookie-scarfing, cracker-devouring madness.
It’s not pretty. At all.
So, I thought instead of perpetuating the madness any longer, as THE Pilgrim, I am actually empowered to change broadcasting days.
AND, I thought so long as I am doing that, perhaps maybe this is a good opportunity to put a new lens on the stories, shift up the observational menu, spin the perspective in a new direction.
Introducing Transformer Tuesdays.
Okay, this may be a wee bit of an overpromise.
However, go big or go home, right? So, in honor of big, the goal for Tuesdays is to offer something transformational.
From a personally life-changing definition of introverts vs. extroverts to the joyously expansive power of coffering a kitchen ceiling to the excavation of childhood dreams to the discovery of made-made ice cream– Tuesdays are all about change.
Thursdays on the other hand are all about Threedom.
What exactly is Threedom?
Threedom is the fabulous intersection of freedom and the number three.
In general, most people are big fan of freedom. We saw a special this weekend on the incarcerated inmates from Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola who ride bulls in the annual prison rodeo simply to feel free for a few hours.
Whether it’s riding bulls, planting hydrangea, snowboarding black diamonds or reading poetry, freedom feels good.
And three is just an incredibly satisfying number.
Sure, seven may be lucky and ten makes a good Best Of list, but there is nothing better than three for holy trinities, circles in The Divine Comedy and examples to demonstrate pretty much anything.
Joanne Walmsley in her blog, The Vibration and Meaning of Numbers says this about the number three:
“Number 3 resonates with the energies of optimism and joy, inspiration and creativity, speech and communication, good taste, imagination and intelligence, sociability and society, friendliness, kindness and compassion. Number 3 also relates to art, humour, energy, growth, expansion and the principles of increase, spontaneity, broad-minded thinking, synthesis, triad, heaven-human-earth, past-present-future, thought-word-action, demonstrates love through creative imagination, comprehensive, fulfilment, encouragement, assistance, talent and skills, culture, wit, a love of fun and pleasure, freedom-seeking, adventure, exuberance, brilliance, free-form, being brave, non-confrontational, free-form, rhythm, passion, surprise, sensitivity, self-expression, affability, enthusiasm, youthfulness, enlivenment, psychic ability, manifesting and manifestation.
Number 3 resonates with the energies of the Ascended Masters and indicates that the Ascended Masters are around you, assisting when asked. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires. They help you to find peace, clarity and love within.”
So, three is a pretty good goalpost, right? Especially if it intersects in some way with freedom.
Yours in this new Transformer Threedom,
The Pilgrim